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How To Get Extra Credit

Link Share

If you find, and email to me, a link to a multimedia piece that would be helpful to the class, I will award you six bonus points. Six bonus points can "replace" a missed class. Remember, class participation is 20% of your final grade.


1) The piece has to be "safe for work". If you have questions about this, please see me.

2) It can be a project based on stills, video or any other platform.

3) It has to be free to watch online, although if registration is required, that's ok.

4) You have to write something about why you think the work is useful for others to see.

5) The work can't violate copyright laws.

Organize an Outing to Studio M

Contact Studio M on the IPFW campus, organize a time for students to take a tour, and bring me a sign-up sheet showing that at least 4 students (including yourself) took the tour. Each student, up to six, is worth 1 bonus point. More importantly, it would be helpful for you to have access to the resources there.

One semester, a student received 6 bonus points by having a representative from Studio M come speak to the class. 

As gallery openings occur in the area, more opportunities for extra credit could arise. Please check back here for updates.

Film Editing Explanation
You could also write a review/explanation of why a film's editing is important to the story. Here is an example.